I picked up ten 8 by 10 canvas at Hobby Lobby for $3.99/2 plus 40% off. It was a great deal. Using spray adhesive, I sprayed the fabric onto the canvas. Since I bought the fabric for the sole purpose of using them as wall art, I cut down the fabric about 2 inches bigger than the canvas on each side. Then I folded and secured in the sides with spray adhesive and finished the canvas off by wrapping the fabric on the top/bottom like a present and spraying it in place. Since I only wanted to use 9 pieces, I chose one fabric for the center and used the other fabrics twice.
Yesterday, while S was at work, I got out the hammer and wall hanging nails and got to work, putting up the art in our living room. I just love the way that it looks! My table no longer looks like that as I have added some pieces which you will be seeing in future posts!
Finished Product:

This was such a simple project and adds a lot to our living room. My goal is to have a black and red living room by the end of all my future living room decorating plans and this was the perfect start and I can see that things are really coming together, just the way that I wanted them to.
Emily--I just pinned this on my pinterest board! Just a great idea!! I love that it was so inexpensive, too! Thanks for the inspiration~